Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ugly Doll Laide Poupée

Je regardais mes images quand je me suis soudainement rappellé quelque chose.. Ces fantastiques talons hauts que je me suis achetés à la fin de l'été, que je ne porte jamais. Ils sont tellement hauts et je me sens comme si je n'avais jamais appris à marcher quand je les porte. :( Je suis si inexperimentée.. Mais bon, je me pratiquerai!
Il me reste exactement 3 minutes pour écrire ce message et je ... Bref, je ne ferai que poster l'image des talons hauts
Was browsing my pictures when I actually remembered something.. Those fantastic high heels I bought in the end of the summer, wich I almost never wear. They are so mega-freaking high and I feel like I never knew how to walk when in these :( I am so unexperimented.. But, hey, I'll practice!
I exactly have 3 minutes left to write this blog entry and I ..... Well I am only going to put THE picture of THE high heels.
High Heels: Spring

I love lace!

Actually, I wrote Ugly Doll for my title because I didn't have any other words in mind. Sounds cute. But reminds me of.. Raggedy-Ann.. She's soooooo scary. I know one complete generation loves it her, but I'm scared of Pinocchio too.


Anonymous said...

those are such beautiful shoes! with my affinity for lace, I am offcially jealous girl!
XX, Natalie

Yuliya Fashionblog said...

Ho i love your shoes !

NY said...

Your heels are rocking....i love lace:)
